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Svitlana Khutka




On June 5, the club inducted Dr. Svitlana Khutka as a new Berkeley Rotarian. She is a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, a Stanford Fulbright Alumna and Carnegie Fellow, the Founding President of the Ukrainian American Research Institute and Ukrainian American Science and Technology Council (USA), and the U.S. representative of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

As a published author, public intellectual, and recognized award-winning scholar, Svitlana has shared gained expertise across more than 25 universities worldwide, including Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, Chicago, and Oxford, and is featured regularly in mass media.

She is a graduate of the first cohort of the Harvard Negotiation Project Program of Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (2011), and guest attendant of Graduate Stanford Business School (2015-2017), Svitlana served as a board member, co-founder, and leader of several nonprofit Ukrainian projects focused on civic ventures and democracy development, and provided strategic advice to government bodies and educational groups.

Svitlana’s exposure to Rotary began with her father’s involvement in one of the first Rotary clubs in Kyiv.

We are proud and pleased to welcome Svitlana to Berkeley Rotary!

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