Volodymyr Goshylyk




On March 27, the club welcomed our newest member, Volodymyr Goshylyk, from Ukraine, to join our increasingly international club.

Volodymyr has an impressive resume of academic and professional accomplishments. He has a Masters Degree and Doctorate in Philology from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine. Currently an Affiliate Faculty at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley, he is a co-founder and President of the Berkeley-based nonprofit Ukraine Matters (see ukraine-matters.org).

Volodymyr is also the Director of the Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organization, Sustainable Development Landmarks (sdl.org.ua), and the convenor of three International Smart Conferences on Sustainable Development: SEVIC (sevic.org), SDL (sdlconference.org), and SF (sustainabilityfacets.org). In addition (where does he find the time?), he is the Director of Programs at AI for Good Foundation.

Volodymyr’s wife Nataliia Goshylyk, Ph.D., formerly the Fulbright Visiting Professor, is currently the Lecturer in Ukrainian at UC Berkeley. They are the proud parents of two daughters who attend Washington Elementary School and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Berkeley. Volodymyr’s hobbies and interests include photography, travel, hiking, fishing, web design, video editing, and watching movies.

As a member of the Berkeley Rotary Club, Volodymyr would like to actively contribute to community-building and to foster successful intercultural communication. We look forward to learning more about Volodymyr and about Ukraine’s culture and people.

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Past Speakers with videos

October 16, 2024
   Rolf Bell
 "Influencing the Trajectory of East Africa’s Future: The Essential Role of Secondary Education"

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