Berkeley Rotary Endowment



A two-year grant with community partners

Berkeley Rotary grant information for applicants

The abstract for the grant application must be submitted in word or pdf format. 
Submit abstract by February 22, 2021 by email to Grier Graff [email protected]
Maximum length 4 pages. 

Name of Berkeley Rotarian (primary contact) submitting this abstract. The grant will need a Berkeley Rotary champion to lead the effort, significant engagement of the club members, and community and/or other sources of funds.

Please answer questions in all four categories below.

  1. Project overview
  • Describe the proposed project in 1-2 paragraphs. What unmet need in the community will be addressed?
  • Is this a clear need desired by the community? How will you determine the community’s support for this?
  • Estimated total cost of project: $______ and approximate time frame.
    The total project costs may far exceed the Berkeley Rotary Endowment contribution when your partners are included;
    this grant is seed money.
  • Preliminary budget for this grant -  Amount requested: $______
  • Indicate if you think the two-year timeline is adequate to complete the project. If not explain.
  • Describe how you envision that this project will be sustainable?
  • How will you measure your success?


  1. Project leadership
  • Suggested name of Berkeley Rotarian responsible for leading this project.
  • Name of Berkeley Rotary committee or project team members.
  • Is there support in the Berkeley Rotary Club for this project?


  1. Partners
  • List all other potential participating organizations.  Include other Rotary clubs if any.
    Indicate if these organizations have been approached
  • What is your proposed concept of partners? Who does what?  The proposed role(s) of any cooperating organizations?
  • Remember this is a competitive grant and your grant may not be selected for the full application. Approach any potential partners with this in mind.
  • Who will benefit from the project? List organizations, group, or demographics. Indicate if you have a relationship with any of these organizations.


  1. Connections & publicity
  • What community connections will be enhanced through this work?
  • How will this be publicized to the Berkeley community?
  • Names of Rotarians responsible for publicizing the project.
  • How will this build on Berkeley Rotary’s image in the community?
  • Is this a hands-on service project? Yes/No.
  • Are volunteers involved? List source of volunteers. Are other Rotary clubs, Rotaract, or Interact involved?

The following is a tentative timeline for the grant process:

February 22 Initial submittal of abstract
March 22 Selection of abstracts to move forward to the full grant application. There may be questions raised by the reviewers and an opportunity for applicant to respond before the March 22 determination.
April 20 Determination on final grant selection. The Board recognizes that there may be more than one qualified grant applicant. However, only one grant is expected to be funded. The Board also recognize that there may not be a qualified grant application.
Review The abstract and the full application will be reviewed by a group of Rotarianreviewers. The reviewers will report to the Grants Committee which will report to the board. There will be 4 – 5 reviewers who will use a rubric based on the application questions to determine next steps.
Support An oversight committee of Berkeley Rotarians will be involved throughout the grant to provide support and direction.


Abstracts are due by February 22, 2021 by email to
Grier Graff:  [email protected]


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   Rolf Bell
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