Peace Award to Ukraine Center for Civil Liberties

Join BRC members and guests on Wednesday, September 25 for our annual peace ceremony honoring the Ukraine Center for Civil Liberties. Hosted by the Berkeley Rotary Peace Committee, this special event will be held in the Brazilian Room at Tilden Regional Park at noon. A catered Ukrainian luncheon will be served. Reservations are required, and may be made online at Eventbrite, or by bringing a check for $25 to the regular club meeting on Sept. 11 or 18. Reservations MUST be made by September 18. To reserve online, use the QR code in the poster below, or paste this link into your browser:


Spotlight on New Members

Veronica Sibley

Louise ODea

Svitlana Khutka

Veronica Sibley

Louise O'Dea Svitlana Khutka

Marketing, Senior Services

Librarian, Retired Academic