The gavel is passed.

As a new Rotary year begins, Ken Renworth receives the gavel, passed down from a line of former club presidents. Ken has set out a theme for this year: “Celebrating Rotary’s Connections to the World.” Our program teams are named for areas of the globe where our club has done hands-on service projects or supported them, including Africa, Caribbean, Central America, East Asia, Europe, Mexico, Mongolia, and South Asia. Throughout the year, we will hear from speakers on issues of global concern. And we will continue to engage with our local community as well as communities worldwide to address areas of need. As Ken said to the club, “The world needs Rotary now more than ever. Let’s get to work.”



Spotlight on New Members

Veronica Sibley

Louise ODea

Svitlana Khutka

Veronica Sibley

Louise O'Dea Svitlana Khutka

Marketing, Senior Services

Librarian, Retired Academic

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